At Mealtimes, Let's Stop Asking Our Kids "Do You Like It?"

Uncategorized Feb 06, 2021

Yes, I know this might sound crazy. Why on earth can’t we ask our children if they like the food we serve?

 Because when we ask closed-ended question like “Do you like it?”, our kids are left only with the options of “yes” and “no”. And when facing new foods, most kids will feel ambivalent or even nervous about what’s on their plate. Which will make them lean more towards the “no” (especially if they have been used to mealtime pressure like “Finish your plate, you said you liked it!”).

 And once food is categorized as “I don’t like it”-food, that can be very hard to turn around. For me personally, I remember how I hated Brussels sprouts as a kid and for years, I never gave them a second chance. Until a few years ago when I finally discovered that they can be okay (I have to admit, it’s still not my favorite – anyone else with me here??).

 Instead of “Do you like it?”, let’s ask our kids “How does it taste?”. This will encourage them to take more ownership of their eating and they will develop a mealtime language that will prepare them to handle new foods better.

 Questions to ask:

  • Is it salty, sweet, or spicy?
  • Does it taste like anything you’ve ever tasted before?
  • Is it tart like a lemon?
  • Does it have a mild or strong flavor?
  • Is it crunchy?
  • Does it feel smooth or lumpy?

 Handling pickiness is about so much more than getting our kids to eat their veggies. It’s about creating a curious and healthy relationship with food in the long run. It’s about being a @realfoodhero!


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