Finish your plate..

real food hero Jan 18, 2021

My Dad always made me finish my plate when I was a kid. And that never hurt me. 

Ever heard that comment before? Maybe you have tried talking to friends or family about being more gentle and respectful at mealtimes with your little ones. Maybe you have talked about how it feels wrong to pressure your little ones into eating?

And then comes that sentence. And you start doubting yourself: “Maybe I am being too soft on my child? Maybe they are right? Maybe I ought to let my child know who is in charge here?”

I want to say this to you: Stand firm and stay gentle. You are on the right track when choosing a respectful approach. Because forcing, manipulating (like bribing and rewarding), and punishing are strategies that will never build trust.

That someone else survived (!) the old-fashioned approach doesn’t mean that it’s the best approach for you and your family. Especially if you:
- want to establish a respectful relationship with your child.
- want your...

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Mom, Iā€™m soooooo hungryyyyyyy!

real food hero Jan 16, 2021
When our kids say that they are really hungry and want food right NOW, we often tend to panic and give them what they want, even though dinner might be ready in 20 minutes.
Because they are obviously starving, right? And who are we to deny our kids food?
But actually, it’s completely fine for our kids to feel hunger. We shouldn’t starve them of course, but if we know that they had decent meals during the day and that dinner is ready soon, they can wait it out.
When my kids come into the kitchen saying they are sooo hungry, I usually tell them that I’m so glad that they are hungry and have an appetite, because dinner is ready very soon (and they don’t get mad at me anymore for saying that;))
Sometimes I ask them if they want to help me finish up dinner or I have them run 3 laps around the house – just to keep them occupied until dinner is ready.
As parents, we must be able to tolerate a...
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Are You a Food Cheating Parent?

real food hero Dec 02, 2020

When dealing with young selective eaters, it can sometimes be very frustrating when they again turn down the broccoli or the fish without having tasted just a tiny bit of it. Sometimes, we, therefore, resort to strategies that I have chosen to call mealtime manipulation strategies. Those strategies include food bribing, food rewards, punishing with food, or regulating emotions with food. But in this article, I’ll focus on when we sneak certain foods that our kids don’t like into a meal without telling them about it. Some examples are spinach in smoothies, cauliflower rice, or squash muffins. I’ll admit that I’ve engaged in this sort of manipulation, too: When one of my daughters declared that she only liked chicken, I would call pork “chicken-pork”, and it worked – she tried it. And I had it my way. But with time, I’ve also come to realize that this was not a victory. If I want to create a food hero and if I want my kids to be curious...

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